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Scaling the Voluntary Carbon Market in Brazil
This study, carried out with the organizations that compose NBS Brazil Alliance, aims to present a panoramic overview of the voluntary market and the main results of its projects, both registered and in development.
Best Practices Guide for Consulting with Indigenous Peoples, Traditional Communities, and Quilombolas
This Good Practice Guide for consulting with Indigenous peoples, traditional communities, and Quilombolas was written by project developers and third sector organizations involved in the construction of carbon projects in Brazil, and its target audience is developers operating in the country.
Good practices
Our Guide for the responsible purchase of REDD+ credits in Brazil aims to support the development of integrated strategies for offsetting GHG emissions by companies with an interest in encouraging the reduction of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and the promotion of a new standing forest economy.
Positions and Methodology Reviews
Stay informed with the Brazilian carbon market and learn about the latest news on climate change, reducing deforestation and all nature-based solutions.
Scaling the Voluntary Carbon Market in Brazil
This study, carried out with the organizations that compose NBS Brazil Alliance, aims to present a panoramic overview of the voluntary market and the main results of its projects, both registered and in development.
Best Practices Guide for Consulting with Indigenous and Quilombolas
This Good Practice Guide for consulting with Indigenous peoples, traditional communities, and Quilombolas was written by project developers and third sector organizations involved in the construction of carbon projects in Brazil, and its target audience is developers operating in the country.
Best practices
Our Guide for the responsible purchase of REDD+ credits in Brazil aims to support the development of integrated strategies for offsetting GHG emissions by companies with an interest in encouraging the reduction of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon and the promotion of a new standing forest economy.
Positions and Methodology Reviews
Stay informed with the Brazilian carbon market and learn about the latest news on climate change, reducing deforestation and all nature-based solutions.

who we are

The NBS Brazil Alliance is a private, non-profit association

Founded in 2021, the Nature-based Solutions Brazil Alliance aims to promote an agenda to combat deforestation, encourage the restoration of degraded areas and the implementation of regenerative practices by strengthening nature-based solutions and the carbon credit market in Brazil. The organization unites project developers, non-governmental and integrity organizations and impact investors that together are responsible for more than 70% of the Brazilian nature-based solutions’ credits issued since 2022 (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use). The creation of guidelines and best practices to promote integrity in the sector is at the heart of the organization’s work.


Executive Board (2023-2025)



A forestry engineer with a degree from the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP) and an MBA in environmental management, she is one of a trio of Brazilians on the UN/UNFCCC RIT (Registration and Issuance Team) for Climate Change projects. She is the only Brazilian to sit on the Panel of Experts of the Taskforce for Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets. She has extensive international experience and is a pioneer in the carbon market in Brazil and worldwide, working for more than 20 years on behalf of the low carbon economy. She founded Carbonext in 2010, of which she is CEO.
A forestry engineer with a degree from the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP) and an MBA in environmental management, she is one of a trio of Brazilians on the UN/UNFCCC RIT (Registration and Issuance Team) for Climate Change projects. She is the only Brazilian to sit on the Panel of Experts of the Taskforce for Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets. She has extensive international experience and is a pioneer in the carbon market in Brazil and worldwide, working for more than 20 years on behalf of the low carbon economy. She founded Carbonext in 2010, of which she is CEO.


Annie Groth is Head of Communications & Engagement at Biofílica Ambipar, a company that has been working to conserve the Amazon through the voluntary carbon market for almost 15 years. Before joining the Biofílica team, Annie worked with the German Green Party's Heinrich Boell Foundation in the areas of digital policy and infrastructure development. She was also part of the UN Global Compact's Global Operations team, working mainly on supporting Local Networks and reporting on funds from the Local Network Development Fund. Annie holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from Maastricht University (Netherlands) and a master's degree in International Public Administration from Sciences Po (Paris).
Annie Groth is Head of Communications & Engagement at Biofílica Ambipar, a company that has been working to conserve the Amazon through the voluntary carbon market for almost 15 years. Before joining the Biofílica team, Annie worked with the German Green Party's Heinrich Boell Foundation in the areas of digital policy and infrastructure development. She was also part of the UN Global Compact's Global Operations team, working mainly on supporting Local Networks and reporting on funds from the Local Network Development Fund. Annie holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations from Maastricht University (Netherlands) and a master's degree in International Public Administration from Sciences Po (Paris).


Lawyer, LLM in Business Law, Chief Legal Advocacy Officer and General Counsel at BIOFIX Brasil, Chairman of the ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Brazilian Association of Energy and Environmental Law - ABDEM, Coordinator of the Dispute Prevention and Resolution Committee (Dispute Board) of CAMERS - CIERGS Chamber of Arbitration, Mediation & Conciliation. Experience in environmental law, the carbon market, traditional peoples, legal design, conflict prevention and resolution methods. Sustainability and environmental assets. REDD+, PES, ESG, SDGs and Green Bonds.
Lawyer, LLM in Business Law, Chief Legal Advocacy Officer and General Counsel at BIOFIX Brasil, Chairman of the ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Brazilian Association of Energy and Environmental Law - ABDEM, Coordinator of the Dispute Prevention and Resolution Committee (Dispute Board) of CAMERS - CIERGS Chamber of Arbitration, Mediation & Conciliation. Experience in environmental law, the carbon market, traditional peoples, legal design, conflict prevention and resolution methods. Sustainability and environmental assets. REDD+, PES, ESG, SDGs and Green Bonds.


She has a degree in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP, an MBA in Sustainability also from FGV, is a member of the 2016 class of the Kinship Fellows Program and has an MBA from IESE Business School. She is the Director for Brazil of Ecosecurities, a pioneering company in carbon markets and sustainable finance. Previously, she worked as an investment executive at the private equity fund Stratus Capital Partners, as a partner consultant at Vallua Consultoria de Gestão and as Commercial and Financial Director at Biofílica Investimentos Ambientais, where she developed experience in sustainability and climate finance for almost seven years. She began her career in the financial market, working in corporate finance and fund management at institutions such as Credit Agricole and Itaú Unibanco.
She has a degree in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP, an MBA in Sustainability also from FGV, is a member of the 2016 class of the Kinship Fellows Program and has an MBA from IESE Business School. She is the Director for Brazil of Ecosecurities, a pioneering company in carbon markets and sustainable finance. Previously, she worked as an investment executive at the private equity fund Stratus Capital Partners, as a partner consultant at Vallua Consultoria de Gestão and as Commercial and Financial Director at Biofílica Investimentos Ambientais, where she developed experience in sustainability and climate finance for almost seven years. She began her career in the financial market, working in corporate finance and fund management at institutions such as Credit Agricole and Itaú Unibanco.


Danilo Almeida is a researcher specializing in forest ecology, management and restoration. His academic background includes a PhD in Forest Resources from ESALQ-USP in partnership with Michigan State University, a master's degree in Tropical Forest Sciences from INPA and a degree in Forest Engineering from UFV. He has done post-doctoral work at the University of São Paulo, the University of Florida and Bangor University. With more than 60 scientific articles published, his main research focuses on forest monitoring using remote sensing. In addition to his academic work, Danilo is Director of REDD+ Carbon Projects at the company BrCarbon and is also Managing Partner of Bioflore, a company specializing in forest monitoring with innovative technologies.
Danilo Almeida is a researcher specializing in forest ecology, management and restoration. His academic background includes a PhD in Forest Resources from ESALQ-USP in partnership with Michigan State University, a master's degree in Tropical Forest Sciences from INPA and a degree in Forest Engineering from UFV. He has done post-doctoral work at the University of São Paulo, the University of Florida and Bangor University. With more than 60 scientific articles published, his main research focuses on forest monitoring using remote sensing. In addition to his academic work, Danilo is Director of REDD+ Carbon Projects at the company BrCarbon and is also Managing Partner of Bioflore, a company specializing in forest monitoring with innovative technologies.



What are Nature-Based Solutions?

Nature-based solutions are a set of actions that reduce and remove greenhouse gas emissions. These actions protect, sustainably manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems, simultaneously benefiting people and nature. REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), ARR (Afforestation, Reforestation & Restoration) and ALM (Agricultural Land Management) projects are examples of NBS.

REDD, Restoration and Agriculture:

NBS projects are extremely important to avoid forest deforestation and the emission of carbon into the atmosphere. It is also essential for sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere through the restoration of ecosystems and the transition of agricultural practices to a low-carbon path.

Brazil in the global carbon market:

According to McKinsey, Brazil emits less than 1% a year of its potential of carbon credits. The country has the capacity to represent 15% of the world's carbon capture projects by natural means.

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Overview of Brazilian emissions

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities have already caused an increase of 1oC compared to pre-industrial levels. In order to maintain safe levels of temperature increase (within 1.5oC), we need to achieve net-zero emissions savings by 2050.


Action is imperative. If the world is to achieve these goals, we must gradually move towards new paradigms: low-emission industries and the use of fuels from renewable sources.


The magnitude of this challenge calls for the adoption of multiple actions, of different dimensions, in order to reduce GHG emissions, including in the short term. In this sense, investments in Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are essential and necessary for the transition to a net zero economy.


Thus, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) must play a central role in combating climate change in the coming decades, and initiatives aimed at reducing emissions from the deforestation of tropical forests must play a central role for Brazil, both in environmental and economic terms.


Developing innovative solutions that reconcile the social and economic development of regions with tropical forests, based on the conservation of these biomes and the sustainable use of natural resources, is one of the keys to connecting Brazil to the new economy of the 21st century, based on sustainability and the valuation of environmental services. The Amazon has thus become a provider of essential environmental services for the world.


Carbon project developers, third sector organizations and impact investors