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Be a part of it

Take part

accession process

The Alliance appreciates your organization’s interest in joining our association. To start the membership process, you need to collect the documents below and send them to


Letter of interest briefly explaining the reasons why the organization wishes to be part of the Alliance;


Be legally constituted, presenting proof of a registered and active CNPJ, optional if the interested party is not domiciled in Brazil;


Present founding articles of association and subsequent amendments;


Present personal documents of the legal representative;


Agree with the Alliance’s Bylaws, as well as the Code of Ethics and Integrity and the principles defined therein by signing the Term of Adhesion;


Have moral integrity and an impeccable reputation


Submit the completed and signed Adhesion Form;


(Only for Contributing Members) Technical proof (Having a registered project; or having participated in the verification or audit of a project registered with an internationally recognized certification body; or active participation in the market by the organization’s management);


Letter of recommendation from 2 members of the Alliance;

The documents will be submitted for evaluation by the members, who will decide whether or not to include the interested party as a member of NBS Brazil Alliance.



Minimum requirements
Contributing Members
This category includes companies and third sector organizations that are developers of Nature-Based Solutions projects and landowners who meet the established technical requirements.

a) Proven performance in Brazil;

b) Comply with the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the NBS Brazil Alliance;

c) Have a registered project; or have participated in a verification or audit of a project registered with an internationally recognized certification body; or demonstrate technical knowledge and active participation in the market by the organization’s management.

Medium and Large
(Turnover above R$ 5 million Brazilian Reais)

(Turnover up to R$ 5 million Brazilian Reais)

Non-Profit Organizations
R$ 61.200,00 / year
(R$ 5.100/ Month)

R$ 36.600,00 / year
(R$ 3.050 /Month)

R$ 14.400,00 / year
(R$ 1.200/ Month)
Honorary Members

This category includes audits, certifiers, educational institutions, third sector organizations that are not project developers, buyers, traders and other organizations that work in the field of nature-based solutions in a recognized way and that meet the established technical requirements.

a) Organizations that are working significantly on the theme of nature-based solutions;

b) Comply with the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Medium and Large
(Turnover above R$ 5 million Brazilian Reais)

(Turnover up to R$ 5 million Brazilian Reais)

Non-Profit Organizations
R$ 63.600,00 / year
(R$ 5.300/ Month)

R$ 39.000,00 / year
(R$ 3.250 /Month)

R$ 14.400,00 / year
(R$ 1.200/ Month)


Step by step


Documents submitted by the organization


Documents are analysed by the Alliance’s Team


The Alliance’s members are informed of the application received. There is a period for internal comments


General meeting to check the comments submitted and vote on new membership. Approval is by simple majority


member benefits

• Participate in the Alliance’s General Meetings and Working Groups;

Take advantage of the services and benefits offered by the association to its members;

• Access to and full participation in the development of positions and documents; (separar em outra linha)

• Participation in the evaluation of projects in VERRA’s public consultation process;

• Access to the monitoring and follow-up bulletin with the main agendas of interest to the Alliance in the National Congress and the Federal Executive;

• Logo included in all of the Alliance’s communication materials

• Opportunities to get involved with other key players in the field of nature-based solutions and the carbon market

• Participation in all events organized by the Alliance.

• Opportunities to publicize initiatives, programs and events via the Alliance.


member's duties

1. Comply with the precepts contained in the Bylaws of the association;

2. Participate in General Assembly meetings;

3. Pay the association contributions on time;

4. Contribute to the activities developed by the Alliance;

5. Promote the Alliance’s principles, goals and objectives, as well as stimulate growth and consolidation of the Association;

6. Exercise vigilance over the ethical management of resources of the Alliance;

7. Comply with and be aligned with the Code of Integrity and Conduct.