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NBS Brazil Alliance WGs

Discussing and building the carbon market in Brazil

The Working Groups bring together professionals linked to the Alliance’s members to discuss the construction and development of the carbon market in Brazil, as well as to draw up guides and documents that provide guidance and clarification on technical and legal issues linked to different fronts.

The WGs that are currently active are:

Advocacy WG

Build dialog and work together with state and federal government authorities in the construction of public policies and market regulation.

Leader: Bruno Maciel (Aliança)

Community WG

Develop best practices in dealing with traditional communities and indigenous peoples.

LEADER: Jeronimo Roveda (Biofix)

Communication WG

Expand and monitor the Alliance’s strategic communication.

LEADER: Adriane Fonseca (Aliança)

Integrity WG

Developing measures and actions to contribute to market integrity.

Leader: Breno Figueiredo (Infrapar Sustainability)

Methodologies WG

Discuss current methodologies, the bottlenecks encountered and how these methodologies can be improved and evolved to reflect the current Brazilian reality.

Leader: Caio Gallego (Ambipar Environment)

Land Regularization WG

The lack of land regularization is a major challenge when it comes to developing carbon projects. The WG proposes to draw up a compliance guide on the subject of land regularization and what to take into account in order to develop carbon projects with integrity.

Leader: Daniela Pires (BV Rio)
Deputy leader: Renata Penido (Way Carbon)

Article 6 WG

Fostering internal dialogues and those with external actors to help advance the agenda of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

Leader: Mariama Vendramini (Ecosecurities)

GT Metodologias

Dialogar sobre as metodologias atuais, os gargalos encontrados e como estas metodologias podem ser aprimoradas e evoluídas para refletirem a realidade atual brasileira.

Líder:Caio Gallego (Ambipar Environment)

GT Regularização Fundiária

A falta de regularização fundiária é um grande desafio diante do desenvolvimento dos projetos de carbono. O GT se propõe a elaborar um guia de compliance na temática da regularização fundiária e o que levar em consideração para desenvolver projetos de carbono de maneira íntegra.

Líder: A ser definido.