Note on Legal Recommendation of the FPO-AM

In Defense of the Integrity and Effectiveness of REDD+ Projects in Brazil

The NbS Brazil Alliance is an organization formed by entities from the private sector and third sector, aiming to promote integrity and best practices in the voluntary carbon market in Brazil. In this context, we have been collaborating with state and federal governments on the regulation of the market and climate change mitigation agenda.

Last Thursday, on August 8th, 2024, the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office issued a recommendation to suspend all ongoing negotiations, operations, and contracts related to carbon credits using the instrument of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) developed in traditional territories or Indigenous lands in the state of Amazonas. The recommendation was sent to representatives of public and private entities and civil society organizations operating such projects.

The NbS Brazil Alliance published a detailed position on the legal recommendation No. 01/2024 by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office. This document is essential for understanding the implications and recommendations that may impact the environmental policies of our country.